Excellent quality,economical and good products,first-class service help Seger Foundry to win a great deal of consumers’ favor.Under ISO9001:2008 quality management system,to ensure the quality of orders, our independent QC members carry out strict inspection at each stage with our own professional measuring tools and inspection equipment :
(1)Material Inspection
Before pouring, 100% chemical component test with the spectrometer.
(2)Mechanics Performance Inspection
- Tensile Strength Test
- Yield Strength Test
- Test of Elongation
(3)Dimension Inspection
Normally, 100% full test for key dimensions and spot checking for other dimensions.
(5)Appearance Inspection
100% checking before packing
Before shipment, each quality problem will be solved in every production stage and all parts have to pass our strict internal inspection. To satisfy different client's requirement, the third party inspection also be welcomed.